Images from our 71st Annual Exhibition 2023 are available in online galleries.
Click on either button to view images from either Prints, or from Projected Digital.
Each gallery can be viewed at your leisure.


Amersham Photographic Society meets weekly from September to May, at 8pm in the New Drake Hall at the Chilterns Lifestyle Centre, Amersham.
One of the top clubs in the UK, APS offers an exceptionally wide range of activities for photographers – weekly talks, competitions & other photographic topics, plus five special interest groups meeting monthly.  There are also busy coffee mornings each Wednesday in the Tank Room at the Beech House in Amersham. This enthusiasm has resulted in outstanding success in regional and national events.
Newcomers are always welcome and we happily share our skills and knowledge. Come and try us free of charge!  See the join or visit page for membership information, and the programme page for details of our events.

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