A selection of images from this year’s Annual Exhibition are now in online galleries.
Click on either button to view images from either Prints or from Projected Digital.
Each gallery can be viewed at your leisure, but better still, come to the exhibition and see the actual prints!


Amersham Photographic Society meets weekly from September to May, at 7:45 for 8pm in the New Drake Hall at the Chilterns Lifestyle Centre, Amersham.
As one of the top clubs in the UK, APS offers an exceptionally wide range of activities for photographers – weekly talks, competitions & other photographic topics, plus six special interest groups meeting monthly.  We have had outstanding success in regional and national events.  There are also busy coffee mornings each Wednesday in the Tank Room at The Beech House in Amersham. 
Newcomers are always welcome and we happily share our skills and knowledge. Come and try us free of charge!  See the join or visit page for membership information, and the programme page for details of our events.

News and information

Our Monday meetings in the coming month:

  • Mon 17 Feb – Members evening talk by Viv Blewett:
    ‘Ray Higginbottom – Eclectic Image Making’.
  • Mon 24 Feb – PDI Comp 4. Judge Steven Galvin.
  • Mon 3 March – Members’ evening – “From Camera to Wall”,
    with Gill Morgan, Roger Wotton, Steve Brabner and John Allport.
  • Mon 10 March – Print Comp 4. Judge Darren Pullman. 

Newsletter . . .

January 2025

Meetings & Membership

Amersham Photographic Society is one of the top clubs in the UK; well-known for the breadth and quality of its photographic and social activities, and for the level of expertise within the club.  New members are always welcome, whatever their level of skill  –  there’s plenty of help & encouragement for those who want it.  If you would like to join us or are just wondering whether to join, email the Membership Secretary (see the ‘Contact Us‘ page).  See the ‘Join or Visit Us’ page for full information on membership.
Guests are welcome to visit us, free of charge, for a maximum of two visits.  Please introduce yourself to a Committee Member and sign our visitors book.  The annual membership rate for individuals is £65.

Wednesday morning coffee meetings at The Beech House.

Each Wednesday morning throughout the year, there’s a more relaxed opportunity to meet & chat with other members at our weekly get-together over coffee at The Tank Room in The Beech House, Hill Avenue, Amersham. We’d love to see you there.  All members are welcome.  No prior notice is needed.

APS Facebook Group

The APS Facebook Group is a closed group for APS members only, to share information and images and to provide advice to each other.  Join the group by:
• Clicking this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/2891380564212021/?ref=share
• Alternatively, once you are in your own Facebook account, use the SEARCH function to find ‘Amersham Photographic Society’.
• Once you see the APS Group Page, press ‘JOIN GROUP’ and the administrators will grant you access within a day or two.
We look forward to more of our members joining us and seeing their  images and comments on our  page.  If your Facebook identity is not your APS membership name, inform the Membership Secretary

APS Covid guidance

The following APS guidance will be kept under review by the committee.  Please contact a committee member if you have any comments or suggestions relating to this guidance.

Wearing a face mask during APS meetings will remain optional. However when infection levels are high, to maximise personal protection, it is recommended that FFP2 or FFP3 grade face masks are worn by those that feel vulnerable.
Nobody should feel embarrassed about wishing to protect themselves by wearing a face covering. Gov.uk guidance updated June 2023 states:
“Face coverings and face masks can help reduce the chance of you spreading infection to others, especially in crowded and enclosed spaces, and may protect you from becoming infected by some respiratory viruses.”
Please do not attend a meeting if you feel unwell, have Covid or any other respiratory symptoms or have tested positive for Covid in the past week. We will not seek evidence of vaccination or negative tests. We rely on our members to act sensibly for the protection of others and themselves.
APS Committee


No images on this web site are permitted to be downloaded or published without the express permission of the copyright holder – usually the photographer, or Amersham Photographic Society.

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