Join or Visit Us
You are most welcome to visit us on Mondays at 7.45pm (for 8pm start) from September to May. No advance notification is necessary but do please introduce yourself to a Committee Member so that we can make you feel welcome – no-one enjoys Lonely Visitor syndrome!
Meetings are held at:
The New Drake Hall
Chilterns Lifestyle Centre
Chiltern Avenue
Amersham HP6 5AH
Amersham Beyond (for creative photography), Monochrome, Colour and PIC groups may meet in other rooms on the site – see the programme and each specific group’s web page for details.
Why should I join Amersham Photographic Society (APS)?
- APS has been developing and encouraging photographers for over 70 years. Our membership comprises men and women of all ages and levels of proficiency. New members interested in the art of photography are always welcome. You can join us throughout the year; it’s not necessary to wait until the start of the season in September.
- Our general meetings are on Mondays and our season runs from September to May. Special interest groups meet on a different weekday evening at monthly intervals. See the Programme and each group’s web page for details. Together with the special interest groups, APS offers an unusually wide and attractive range of activities for photographers – certainly among the best in the UK.
- For beginners, the visiting speakers and events are always an inspiration and our optional competitions (in Prints and Projected Digital Images) are a great place to see the latest photographs and hear constructive criticism from trained judges.
- The Amersham Beyond Group concentrates on creative photography and photo-based art. It offers support & advice in the process of achieving successful images that communicate well to the viewer.
- Similarly, the Monochrome Group provides great expertise & advice for those wanting to work in Black and White or other monochrome systems.
- The Colour Group recognises that many photographers prefer working with colour images and gives comments, advice & expertise on working in colour.
- The Photographers in Camera (PiC) group encourages & supports photographers wishing to work thematically. This expert-led group has official recognition and support from the Royal Photographic Society.
- Outings: In addition to the regular meetings, we make informal and sociable outings to places of photographic interest.
- Our Charity group offers photographic services & support, free of charge, to local charities.
- Experienced photographers who join us will be challenged by the exceptional standards of our advanced members, many of whom exhibit and win awards at national and international level. As a club, APS has regularly been in the top five in the UK and reached the pinnacle in 2007 as the top UK club for prints. In 2015 we won the prestigious Photography News ‘Camera Club of the Year’ competition. Success with us is a stepping stone to the highest level of amateur and semi-professional photography.
You are welcome to visit us as a guest free of charge, for a maximum of two visits. If you would like to join the society, the membership rate is £65 per year for individuals.
Membership and membership renewal form (it’s the same form): PDF or Word document.
View the APS Constitution here: APS Constitution
View the APS Data Protection Policy here: APS Data Protection Policy
In addition to the Society’s annual subscription, there is a small annual fee, currently £10, for membership of the Photographers in Camera Group (PiC). Some other activities may require a fee which will usually be declared beforehand.
Events with visiting speakers
Visitors and members of other clubs are welcome to join us on occasions when we have an outside speaker. For this there will be a charge of £5 per person, except for our special speaker events for which we usually announce a higher charge as appropriate.
The Annual Exhibition
Each year, toward the end of August, we exhibit our work, prints and projected images in Amersham. Entry is free to all. This is a great way for us to show to the public what our members have achieved in their photography. Every member is invited to enter examples of their work, none of which will be competitively judged.
The Beech House
Each Wednesday morning from 10 to 12, throughout the year, there’s a more relaxed opportunity to meet & chat with other members over coffee at The Tank Room in The Beech House, Hill Avenue, Amersham, for our meetings.
We’d love to see you there. All our members are welcome. No prior notice is needed.